The actress, who had previously done a backless scene in Tango Charlie said, "If a Kate Winslet does a nude scene, it's okay there. But if it happens in India we create an uproar. What's wrong in depicting nudity in a dignified way." She plays the muse of painter Raja Ravi Varma in the movie, which also stars Randeep Hooda.
The film is about the relationship between a painter and his muse, whom he portrays as a Goddess in his paintings. The movie directed by Ketan Mehta has received great response at the 17th Kolkata Film festival. "I am simply overwhelmed at the response that the audience of Kolkata has given to my film. The audience was fantastic. People from every walk of life came to the film festival to watch the movie. Several people even watched the whole movie standing as they couldn't manage to get a seat," said Nandana.
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